Our New Website

by Steven Brown on April 30, 2019

As times change and new technology is available, it is important that we continue to offer you the very best.  We always strive to do that with our products and service but we felt the time had come to also make our website better for you.

We did our research to make load times faster, navigation more accessible, and product information easier to read.  By making these updates, you can easily shop at home or your office as well as on-the-go by phone.

Another added plus is coupons! While we always offer you the lowest prices we can, on holidays and special occasions we try to give you an extra little something.  We announce these specials by our email list as well as social media but we know that life is busy and you don’t always get to read every post or letter.  Now, available coupons will display as you shop and will show right on the cart page so you never miss out on extra savings.

Speaking of your virtual shopping cart…now you'll also have the option to checkout with Google or Apple Pay!  Our secure checkout offers you all of the major payment options and even easier checkout for returning customers.

A new site may seem like a little thing but it is only the first announcement of many (wink wink) we’ll have in the coming months all to serve you better.  After all, our little family company only exists because of you!

new web design